After Soviet Union collapsed 30 years, the most popular review of this show is accusing that HBO should not go into a ideological debates. Did HBO do that? No. If the truth offends your socialist superiority dream, I’m sorry for truth hurts. How can ppl just fudge shit while eating shit everyday? How stupid you have to be to speak out those shit?!
盡管還是有美劇的質感,但以超英劇的水平來評價的話,Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.已經是合格的獨立劇集,然而歸屬于MCU的格局下,少了點和電影人物的互動的話,整體感覺還是差了點意思;當然從劇情來看,Season 1還只是Marvel在小熒屏的試手,讓人期待的反而是S.H.I.E.L.D.的新時代的到來。