感謝迪士尼+的國慶巨獻,現場看Hamilton一直在我的bucket list上面,官攝讓我去不了百老匯搶不到票都依然能過下癮。今年BLM流行清算歷史,每個歷史人物都有意氣風發然后人走茶涼的時候,漢密爾頓也有他的不完美,況且:Immigrants, we get the job done. 自愿退位的華盛頓教會我們說再見,某幾國的皇帝也學學吧。最后,小喬的下巴沒干過,真的太可愛了!
remember the time when the music went on I felt the shrill from head to toe? Now it's just meh. Well guess nothing is forever exciting, not even Benedict (although the notion of Sherlock shall remain a soft spot in my heart, waiting for a better genius to realize. Who knows?)